First off, I love the ladies in my club! They are also my friends, so that does help :-).... but they come up with some of the best discussions and relate the books we read to our lives so well. This months discussions were EXACTLY what I needed in my own life at this time. Heavenly Father is completely aware of what we need, and I am thankful He knows me so well.
A lot of the discussions this month were based around motherhood. In the book, Stephanie only ever wanted to be a mother, and when she became one, she was (what I would consider) the "perfect" mother. At least that is what the book depicted before the plane accident, however I know she had difficult "mommy days" like every other mom in this world. Anyway, we talked a lot about our own personal struggles with motherhood, what we love about it, and what we don't. It was very therapeutic for me. I want to be the best mom ever, and sometimes I find myself in this mindset that if I lose my patience or I don't want to be a mom every single minute of every single day because I just want time for me, then I am failing. TIME OUT! I need to step back and realize that this is my first time being a mom. I am going to have rough days. I am going to fail. BUT the most important part is that I don't give up, and I love and serve my sweet Eli (and the rest of my kids) with all that I have to offer.
Also, "mom" is not my only role in this life. Yes, it is one of the most important roles and callings I will have in this life, but I also am a wife, daughter, sister, friend, visiting teacher, scout leader (at this time), and most importantly a daughter of God. I need all of these roles in my life, because they complete me.
I read this book while Eli was sick, and it helped me be a better mom through that rough patch. "If Stephanie can go through that, then I can do this!" I love how she relied on the Lord to direct her in her every day decisions. She demonstrated the type of relationship that I want to have with my Father in Heaven.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. I have read this book twice now, and plan to read it many more times. It inspires me to be a better person, and to keep my most important relationships strong. I admire her and Christian's relationship, and I want mine and Nathan's to be just as strong or stronger.
Lastly, and most importantly, I admire how her faith was never shaken. Not even once in her book did she question God or blame him for the plane crash. I think I would have a hard time not questioning, and Stephanie, through this book, has encouraged me to strengthen my faith so that when the hard times and trials come I will be ready to face them hand-in-hand with God with unshaken faith.