Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Book Club: Month #2

I know I'm a month behind, but I'd still like to tell you about our second book we read in our book club! (My dad thinks I'm a nerd. Every time I talk about my book club he bursts out laughing!)

We read the book "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis.

It was an interesting book, but contains very intelligent language, and I honestly had to use the dictionary every page because there were words I didn't understand. Anyway, the book was about a demon writing letters to his nephew who also is a demon. In these letters, Screwtape (the uncle) gives advice to Wormwood (his nephew) about how to lure his human to be bad and to get him to eventually become evil enough that he would go to hell after he dies. The human, however, has help from the other side, so it's not as easy as Wormwood thinks.

I had a lot of contemplative moments about my own life and spirituality as I read this book. I pondered a lot about my own weaknesses, and wondered in what ways Satan and his followers get to me. This book made me realize that we probably have a demon that is constantly around trying to tempt us and lead us astray. It's made me do better at putting on my "Spiritual armor". Great read that makes you think!

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