The month of October has been really good! We have had a lot of fun things going on, and been keeping busy with school (Nathan), church callings, family stuff, and trying to keep up with my house!
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we get together every six months via television, radio, internet, or go to Salt lake to hear General conference! General Conference is where the prophet, apostles, and leaders of the church give us guidance and direction from the Lord. I guess you could consider it a "super bowl" weekend for the Mormons ;-). I love General Conference! I love hearing the words of our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and from the other leaders of the church.
This year I made a goal to read all of the talks from April's General Conference before Conference started in October. I finished the day before conference started! I know that by reading all of the talks, my testimony was strengthened, and I was prepared and ready to have the Spirit with me when General Conference started.
Listening to General Conference was a little difficult with a mobile baby, but I still really enjoyed it and received a lot of personal revelation from the talks. Below are some of my favorite quotes from conference:
"I know that although I may not be my brother’s keeper, I am my brother’s brother, and “because I have been given much, I too must give.”" Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
"No matter what your current status, the very moment you voluntarily choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and be your very best, the Savior’s Atonement envelops and follows you, as it were, wherever you go." Elder Jorg Klebingat
who make a house a home make a far greater contribution to society than
those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive
corporations. Who can put a price tag on the influence a mother has on
her children, a grandmother on her posterity, or aunts and sisters on
their extended family? We
cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who, in
their own ways, build stable family life and nurture for everlasting
good the generations of the future. The decisions made by the women of
this generation will be eternal in their consequences. May I suggest
that the mothers of today have no greater opportunity and no more
serious challenge than to do all they can to strengthen the [home]” President Gordon B. Hinckley quoted by Elder L. Tom Perry
Then the following weekend was Brittany's baby shower! On Thursday my mom got a phone call from Kindy saying that Brittany had preclampsia and was going to be induced the next day! (the day before her baby shower) However, the baby shower was still going to happen, so mom, Eli, and I left for Utah on Friday afternoon. I had a really great time visiting my family! We stayed with Cyd Friday night, went shopping on Saturday morning, and went to Kindy's to help set up for the baby shower. Then that night mom and I stayed with Grandma Woods at her home in Orem. It was fun getting to see her new home, and be able to see her one last time before she left on her mission the next Thursday. Sunday morning we went to church and then we were able to go see Brittany and her new baby, Carston, at the hospital before we headed home! He is a cutie!
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Cute little Carston! |
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Last picture with my grandma before her mission |
The 13th of October, we got to go with the Johnsons to pick out pumpkins to carve! It was the first time I have been to a pumpkin patch! Nathan met us at the patch after school and we had a lot of fun picking out our "perfect" pumpkin. I plan to make it a family tradition for years to come.
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My two handsome boys! |
A couple days later, October 15th, Daniel, Susie, & lil' Scotty came to visit!! I always have a good time when they come, and am excited that they might be moving back in January!!!! :-) I know that Eli and Scott are going to be the best of buds as they grow older.
The day after they came, our ward had a Super "Thursday" activity. Nancy, Susie, and I all got to go and participate. Susie and I made crafts and tried to keep up with our babies while Nancy was in charge of helping out ladies with one of the crafts. I signed up for two different crafts, and am SO GLAD I didn't sign up for any more! haha.. I barely finished the ones I signed up for. I am really pleased with how they turned out and am excited to use them in my home!
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Nativity I made! |
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"Welcome post"! I think it turned out really cute! |
My mom's birthday was October 19th (she turned 29... again! ;)), so Cydnee and Austin came up on Thursday to celebrate the weekend with her. Also, Morgan and Rayse surprised her by coming up as well! Nathan came home on Thursday and asked if they were coming. I had no idea! I guess Nathan saw Ben at school and he was the one that spilled the beans to us! I was really happy to have all of the family there for the weekend. We always have a good time when we get together. and I hope my mom had an awesome birthday because she most definitely deserves it!
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At Olive Garden celebrating mom's birthday |
On October 20th, we went over to the Johnson's' for FHE to carve the pumpkins we picked out. Nathan was too busy with homework to carve his, but I had a good time carving mine! We didn't really carve pumpkins growing up, so I really enjoy doing it, and hope to continue this tradition as well.
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Helping mom carve her pumpkin |
Lastly for the month of October, because I want to talk about Halloween festivities in its own posting, I just have to brag about my sweetheart. He is so wonderful and I am very lucky to be his wife! This semester has been his busiest one yet! He never ceases to amaze me! He is doing very well in his classes, and still finds time for Eli and me. However, this semester has been hard on me with him being gone so much. I have felt inadequate as a wife and a mom because I tend to get grouchy when I don't get to be with Nathan as much as I like. But Nathan lovingly reminds me what a good wife and mom I am constantly. Last week he surprised me with flowers and a caramel apple from the Caramel Tree (which if you have never been, you are missing out!!!) just to let me know he loves me. How did I get so lucky? Man I love that man.
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