Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Book Club: Month #3

This month we read "Heaven is Here" by Stephanie Nielson. I hosted our book club at my house so I had the privilege of choosing the book, and I chose this one!

First off, I love the ladies in my club! They are also my friends, so that does help :-).... but they come up with some of the best discussions and relate the books we read to our lives so well. This months discussions were EXACTLY what I needed in my own life at this time. Heavenly Father is completely aware of what we need, and I am thankful He knows me so well.

A lot of the discussions this month were based around motherhood. In the book, Stephanie only ever wanted to be a mother, and when she became one, she was (what I would consider) the "perfect" mother. At least that is what the book depicted before the plane accident, however I know she had difficult "mommy days" like every other mom in this world. Anyway, we talked a lot about our own personal struggles with motherhood, what we love about it, and what we don't. It was very therapeutic for me. I want to be the best mom ever, and sometimes I find myself in this mindset that if I lose my patience or I don't want to be a mom every single minute of every single day because I just want time for me, then I am failing. TIME OUT! I need to step back and realize that this is my first time being a mom. I am going to have rough days. I am going to fail. BUT the most important part is that I don't give up, and I love and serve my sweet Eli (and the rest of my kids) with all that I have to offer.

Also, "mom" is not my only role in this life. Yes, it is one of the most important roles and callings I will have in this life, but I also am a wife, daughter, sister, friend, visiting teacher, scout leader (at this time), and most importantly a daughter of God. I need all of these roles in my life, because they complete me.

I read this book while Eli was sick, and it helped me be a better mom through that rough patch. "If Stephanie can go through that, then I can do this!" I love how she relied on the Lord to direct her in her every day decisions. She demonstrated the type of relationship that I want to have with my Father in Heaven.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. I have read this book twice now, and plan to read it many more times. It inspires me to be a better person, and to keep my most important relationships strong. I admire her and Christian's relationship, and I want mine and Nathan's to be just as strong or stronger.

Lastly, and most importantly, I admire how her faith was never shaken. Not even once in her book did she question God or blame him for the plane crash. I think I would have a hard time not questioning, and Stephanie, through this book, has encouraged me to strengthen my faith so that when the hard times and trials come I will be ready to face them hand-in-hand with God with unshaken faith.

Eli is NINE months!

Eli turned 9 months old a few days ago! He wasn't feeling very good so we just took a few pictures and called it good. He is such a joy in our lives and I can't imagine life without him.

Eli loves to:
*babble, babble, babble!
*crawl everywhere!
*smile his cheesy 'one tooth' smile!! (which is adorable!)
*play with Grandma Sommers's decorative apples
*touch people's hands and faces
*explore the house in his walker
*go on jogs with mommy in his stroller
*take baths and play with his rubber ducky
*grab food (mainly cheerios and graham crackers) and put it in his mouth by himself!

Playing with the decorative apples!
first tooth! (Bottom right)

cheesy grin!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A tribute to Marty

My family's dog passed away today. He just was so sick, so I went with my mom and Gabe to take Marty to the vet. When we got back from Warm Springs he had lost a lot of weight and looked very sickly. I kept telling my mom she should take him in, and she finally did. Unfortunately the vet confirmed our worries and told us he was a very sick dog and there was little he could do for Marty. We made that rough decision to put him down.

Marty was such a friendly dog! He has been in the family since I was 9 years old (14 1/2 years!). I love that dog and I am so excited that he is no longer in pain and can run and jump around like he used too. Love you Marty Mutt!

a scrapbook page I did of Marty when I was a girl.

Gabe, Marty, and Koda.

Truly a dog is a man's best friend because they will love you unconditionally, no matter what. Hope to have a dog as good as Marty for my own family someday.

Warm Springs!

We just got back a few days ago from our annual Warm Springs camping trip with both mine and Nathan's family. Quite a few people were up there! From Nathan's family: Howard, Nancy, Craig, Brian & Adri & their two kids (Owen & Kate), Nathan, Julie, Amy, and Matthew. Amy's friend, Erin, came up for a few days as well. From my family: Mom, dad, me, Cydnee & Austin & their two kids (Brynlee & Weston), and Gabe. My grandma Woods came up for a day too! We had a blast!!!! :-)

We usually have Daniel and Susie with us, but they had their baby boy three days before we left, so needless to say, they didn't make it this year. Definitely next year guys!.... and congrats on your sweet new addition!! :-)

Well Warm Springs was not super "warm" this year! The first three days rained off and on, but we managed to get out and still have some fun! The last two full days had really nice weather so we hiked, floated, read, ate like kings, played games, and just had a good ole' time!

One funny thing that happened was Eli pooped in his bath for the first time at Warm Springs! I was giving him a bath in one of Nancy's tubs that we wash dishes and hands in, and all of a sudden he started grunting (which means he is starting to go potty!), and before I could get his little bumb out of there, he had already pooed! I must admit, we all had a good laugh over that one.

Grandma Woods & Eli! Thanks for helping me with him Grandma!

This next picture is of Eli in his new backpack for the first time!!! I spent the whole summer trying to convince Nathan that we needed a baby carrying backpack, and he finally gave in. It definitely was not a cheap investment, and I am very grateful that he worked extra hard to get some money to afford this hummer. It will definitely be very used! :) (I plan on putting Eli in it today as I vacuum!)

We had to bring Eli's walker so he could get some "down" time. He was held for most of the time, so it was nice for him to be able to get down and move around at his own will. 

My sweet niece, Brynlee Lynn!
 Well this year Brian, Nathan's brother, caught the biggest fish! Maybe Nathan will catch it next year... but he doesn't have the patience so we will see what happens. Good job fishing Brian!

Charlie, Julie's chihuahua, came along on our trip this year. She loves the Johnson family, but is not very friendly to strangers! Here is a picture of my dad making friends with Charlie. If he had a few more days with her I bet they would have been best buds! ;-)

This next picture is how I felt for the last three days of our trip because Eli didn't want to sleep at night!!! He woke me up at least 4 times the last three nights of the trip. I was most definitely ready to come home and get Eli back in some sort of sleeping rhythm again.

Our faithful "guard dog" Jackson! He definitely barked enough to keep any sort of animal away from our camp!

sweet little Weston!
Grandma playing with Eli
Adri, Kate, & Owen!
My first picture with the backpack!

My sweet nieces! Brynlee Lynn (left) & Katelyn Adri (right)

my sweet family!
The gang! minus Cyd who was taking the picture
A picture on the stairs- we'll take one every year!
my gorgeous parents!
Look who crashed even before we made it onto the public road! He partied too hard! ;-)

After we leave Warm Springs, it's tradition to stop and feed the huge trout by the Warm River. If you have never been there, then you need to go! The fish are HUUGGEE! And most definitely worth seeing.

Then, lastly, we stop at Daves Jubilee in Ashton to get ice cream for the way home! (They get their ice cream from Reed's Dairy!)

 Nathan's two "mug shots" when we got home! This is the longest he has gone without shaving in his life, and we discovered he has red in his beard! (Now we know where Eli gets the red in his hair from!) 

 And as Julie said, "It was fun!" I love, love, love Warm Springs!